Hello, I was advised to contact you about obtaining a visa in the CR. I am from Ukraine and now I have only temporary protection.
As far as I know, a university degree is required to obtain a visa. But I do not have it. Are there any options for obtaining a visa without a diploma?
As far as I know, it is currently impossible for Ukrainians to obtain a work visa because we have a temporary protection status.
But tell me one thing, in the case when it will already be possible to apply for a visa and my husband gets it, but I don’t, then could I apply for family reunification?
Tell me what are the options without a diploma.
I will be looking forward to your reply.
Здравствуйте, Яна.
- В настоящее время для украинцев возможно лишь:получение визы временной охраны (как я понял, она у вас есть),
- получение ВНЖ с целью воссоединения семьи,
- получение ВНЖ с целью обучения.
То есть, если у Вашего мужа есть ВНЖ с любой целью или ПМЖ, то Вы имеете право подать на ВНЖ по воссоединению.